The Content Bureau Limited is a creation that can trace its roots back to 1988 and its links with the popular puzzle market go back just as far. The company has many years’ experience in the puzzle business working with publishers, TV media and technical developers.The brainchild of husband and wife team George and Teresa Rankin, the business serves the publishing industry with a wide range of puzzle and quiz content.
Managing Director George Rankin has worked in publishing since 1989 and has held posts at senior executive level with Croner Publications and MFK Digital. A keen quizzer, he has appeared in (and won) Channel 4’s Fifteen-to-One quiz show twice and has taken part in the World Quizzing Championships.
The Content Bureau Limited. Company registration no. 8507538.
Registered address: Krengelan, Langham Road, Robertsbridge, East Sussex. TN32 5DX.